Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

Building & Finance Committee


Building & Finance Membership: Six Governors  & Head Teacher

Quorum: Four Governors (one of which may be the Head Teacher)

Meetings: To be held termly or as required. A minimum of two weeks’ notice must be given when convening a meeting



  • 1.1 To oversee responsibility for care and maintenance for all grounds and buildings of the school and to report to FGB and monitor any ongoing maintenance. (on-going)
  • 1.2 To ensure current regulation are adhered to regarding all areas of the site, buildings, fixtures and fittings and security. (on-going)
  • 1.3 To oversee the maintenance of environmental facilities as may be required.  To ensure that the school grounds and facilities are aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly where possible. (on-going)
  • 1.4 To take due regard of Health & Safety issues and regulations to the school site, and ensure that risk assessments are undertaken. (on-going)
  • 1.5 Review Lettings Policy annually (or earlier if required) (Term 4)
  • 1.6 Review Health and Safety Policy annually (Term 6)


  • 2.1 To review a proposed budget (includes Schools Financial Value Standard/Terms of Reference for Financial and submit to the FGB for ratification. (Term 4)
  • 2.2(i) To regularly monitor the budget and planned expenditure. (on-going) (ii)This will include agreeing the half year financial review which will then be submitted to the FGB for ratification (Term 2)
  • 2.3 To approve action when income/expenditure shows significant variance from budget. (As required)
  • 2.4 To approve expenditure beyond those determined in the Purchasing Policy. (As required)
  • 2.5 To agree to the virement of funds between different areas of the budget beyond the 15% delegated to the Headteacher’s discretion.
  • 2.6 To approve expenditure beyond those determined in the Purchasing Policy.
  • 2.7 To approve management decisions on the basis of the School Development Plan and subsequent planned expenditure. (On-going)
  • 2.8 Review Purchasing Policy annually. (Term 3)
  • 2.9 Review Finance Policy annually. (Term 3)
  • 2.10 Review the Terms of Reference for Financial Responsibilities and Schedule For Delegated Authority annually. (Term 3)
  • 2.11 Undertake a financial risk assessment prior to forming the SIC.
  • 2.13 Review financial benchmarking information. (Term 2 unless issued by LA earlier)
  • 2.14 Review letting charges and review where necessary. (Annually, Term 4)

3. PAY

  • 3.1 To ensure the Pay Policy is a fair and objective and considers any individual representations that may be made in respect of pay decisions.
  • 3.2 To undertake an annual review and agree pay recommendations based on the criteria set out in the Pay Policy. (Term 2)
  • 3.3 To observe all statutory and contractual obligations, including making arrangements to notify pay decisions to individual members of staff within appropriate time-scales. (On-going)
  • 3.4 To minute clearly the reasons for all decisions and report these decisions to the next meeting of the Governing Body. (On-going)
  • 3.5 To recommend to the Governing Body the annual budget required for pay purposes, including provision for discretionary pay advancement arising from performance reviews. (Term 4)
  • 3.6 To keep informed of relevant developments including legislation and statutory guidance affecting the Pay Policy and to review, and to recommend changes or modifications to the Governing Body, as appropriate and at least annually. (Term 2)
  • 3.7 To consider the impact on the budget of any proposed staff changes/staff absence  and to recommend appropriate action to the FGB. (On-going)

Next Review Date: October 2020