Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Our Shining Stars
  3. Our Incredible Learning (14.10.22)

Our Incredible Learning (14.10.22)

26 October 2022 (by admin)

Our Incredible Learners this week are; Izzy, Ellis, Jess, Joseph, Samuel and Indigo!

Izzy was chosen for doing a great job of retelling and sequencing the story of Owl Baby. She created a wonderful owl baby by using her fine motor skills and carefully placing her ripped pieces of paper.

Ellis was chosen for his fantastic fact file about the Great Fire of London, he included some very interesting vocabulary.

Jess was chosen for her improvement in her handwriting and being noticed for always being a good friend.

Joseph was chosen for always putting in 100% and for his increased confidence in contributions to class discussions.

Samuel was chosen for his handwriting improvement as well, he has been working hard on making his book layout perfect and including all of the important features of any piece of writing.

Indigo was chosen for her determination with some tricky long division. We could tell how proud of herself she was when she did a happy dance after completing her questions.

What a great variety of reasons this week, well done everyone!