Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

Extra Curriculum Clubs

Extra Curriculum Clubs are additional activities the children can get involved in.  They are run by Teachers, Volunteers and external School suppliers.  We aim to provide a complete range of clubs so children have the opportunity to sample a number of different activities.  But we hope there will be at least one activity in which your child will wish to participate. 

The timetable is determined termly.  The complete list of after school clubs and extra-curricular activities available to children will be distributed to parents and carers at the beginning of each term.  You will have the opportunity to review the activities and discuss with your children what they would like to do.  You will then be able to book your child into their chosen clubs via our ARBOR parent portal.   Where there are maximum numbers, places will be allocated on a first come – first served basis.


Activities/Clubs run by outside providers
What? When? Where? Pickup point Who? Year group Extra Cost
Monday 3:30pm  
Tues 3:30pm
Tues 3:30pm
Tues 3:30pm
Weds 3:30pm
Tiger Martial Art Thurs 3.30pm School Hall School Hall Yes