Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

Staffing and Curriculum Committee


QuorumFive Governors

Meetings: Meetings to be held at least once each old term (Autumn, Spring, Summer) and otherwise as necessary. One week’s notice will be given when convening a meeting

PURPOSE:  To ensure that the school has the correct and appropriate teaching and non-teaching staff in place to undertake all the necessary duties, and that those staff are employed and work within the correct procedures.

To ensure that the school provides the statutory curriculum and those additional areas agreed by the staff and governors, using as a benchmark the principles from the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (2018), as follows:

Intent: the way the curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage.

Implementation: the way that the curriculum is taught and assessed in order to support pupils to build their knowledge and to apply that knowledge as skills.

Impact: the outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received.


  • 1. To ensure that Staff have reviewed Safeguarding Policy & Action Plan, Induction information for New Staff, Health & Safety procedures and other items detailed in the Staff Handbook (Term 1)
  • 2. To review the provision of PHSE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) education specifically in relation to Sex Education & Relationship, Racism, Bullying, and to assess CPOMS reports of any incidents within the school over the past year (Term 1)
  • 3. To ensure that arrangements are in place for Performance Management of staff in the coming year, and to review the previous year. (Term 1)
  • 4. To receive and review Action Plans & Monitoring Reports from English, Maths & EYFS Link Governors, in light of data analysis at FGB. (Term 2)
  • 5. To review provision for all Statutory Assessments including EYSF, Year 1 & Year 2 (retests) Phonics, Year 2 Teacher Assessment, Year 5 Multiplication Check, Year 6 SATs, Moderation, Staff Training, Access arrangements. (Term 2)
  • 6. To review all objectives set for staff in the performance management process. (Term 2)
  • 7. To make proposals to the Governing Body at the time of Budget setting, based on prospective pupil numbers, in relation to Staffing Structures and PPA arrangements, for the next academic year.(Term 3)
  • 8. To review the internal Assessment Procedures and Guidelines used within the school. (Term 3).
  • 9. To monitor the programmes of staff development & training and the impact of CPD arrangements, to ensure they are meeting the needs of the school to date and for the foreseeable future. (Term 3)
  • 10. To review Performance Management progress for staff using samples of anonymised documentation (Term 4)
  • 11. To monitor & review English, Maths & EYFS Action Plans in line with school’s Monitoring & Evaluation Policy, following mid-point performance data, and to consider how attendance impacts on pupils’ progress & outcomes. (Term 4)
  • 12. To monitor & review curriculum coverage of other key subjects such as science, P.E and computing taking into consideration the intent, implementation and impact. (Term 4)
  • 13. To receive report from Headteacher on Staffing structure and roles. (Term 6) 
  • 14. To review School Policies and Key Documents List and identify policies under the control of Staffing & Curriculum Committee to be reviewed within the next academic year. (Term 6)
  • 15. To receive report on proposed phased Admission arrangements for Reception children in September of next academic year and to review School Information Leaflet. (Term 6)
  • 16. To review provision for collective worship. (ongoing)
  • 17. To receive reports from the Headteacher or Subject Leaders on Curriculum or subject specific matters. (ongoing)
  • 18. To monitor & review actions relating to Policies & Key Documents, SDP, Data, Attendance. (ongoing)
  • 19. To receive, comments on & initiate appropriate action in respect of documentation from LA, DOE and any other source regarding staffing issues. (ongoing)

Next Review Date: October 2020

Staffing & Curriculum terms of reference 2019/2020