Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Shining Light Award
  3. Shining Light Award (02.12.22)

Shining Light Award (02.12.22)

6 December 2022 (by admin)

This week the recipient of the Shining Light Award is Jessica.

She was nominated by Mrs Britton. 

Jessica was chosen not only for an instance of helping a younger child do up her coat, but for the countless times that she helps others without any sort of prompt including in her time at breakfast club.

Recognition of our nominees;

Unah - for always showing amazing friendship to her friends and others, and for never getting cross with anyone and always trying to include everyone.

Arlo - he is always polite to the teachers and shows kind manners to his friends.

Isabella - helped a reception who was having trouble with their cutlery and straightaway left her lunch to assist. 

Thomas M - for stopping his game to help another child with their coat and was kind, considerate and caring.