Shining Light Award (13.01.23)13 January 2023 (by admin) |
This week the recipient of the Shining Light Award is Kiki.
She was nominated by three peers and Mr Shiles.
Kiki was chosen because she always makes a conscious effort to include others, she gives her own time when others are struggling and without fail will always put herself forward to help.
Recognition of nominees;
Raffi - being a good friend and playing with Oli when he was bored.
Arnie - helped a friend to tidy up.
Lottie - helped Eva when she was feeling sad and lonely.
Sophia D - helped out when a friend wasn't feeling well.
Jaimee - helped Indigo when she hurt her back, she was by her side whenever she needed something.
Amelia B - for being entertaining and being a good friend.
Katy - for being a good friend.
Jess H - for helping Kiki decorate the Shining Light box.
Nathan - always lets everyone play and join in.
Evie - is kind and nice to Katy.
Tilly - is a good friend to Amelia
Henry A - helped a reception with their coat.
Rayven - is always kind and is a great friend.
Emily - is always kind to Eva when she comes to school.
Eva - always helps the receptions with their coats or if they are upset.
Flo - always says hello in the morning and puts a smile on Eva's face.
Jess B - she is a really good friend.
Caspar - is always kind.