Our Shining Stars (21.04.23)23 April 2023 (by admin) |
This week our Shing Stars are; Maddie, Harry, Fionn, Noah and Raffi.
Maddie was chosen for being someone who has worked very hard in maths. Willow class have been learning about time and have been sequencing their daily routine. Maddie was able to speak in lots of detail and noticed that everybody’s day is different.
Harry was chosen for his super science work. He labelled the parts of a flowering plant and did so independently and was able to complete his work in good time and to a high standard.
Fionn was chosen for his contributions to class during RE. He asked thoughtful questions and always considered other points of view.
Noah was chosen for his acceleration in his learning. He is constantly pushing himself to reach the highest standards and challenges. As well as creating a fantastic factfile about Zeus with some interesting information.
Raffi was chosen for his smashing spreadsheet building in computer science lessons, he was able to then use his carefully created sheet to work out averages and even averages of averages.
Well done everyone, this was a great way to kick off the term.