Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Our Shining Stars
  3. Our Shining Stars (30.06.23)

Our Shining Stars (30.06.23)

4 July 2023 (by admin)

This week our Shining Stars are Leo, Arthur, Thomas, Austin, Lexi and Jaimee.

Leo was chosen for working hard in all areas of learning. He has mastered simple subtraction within 10, he has tried his best in Guided Reading and used his imagination to create his own Supertato and Supertato painting.

Arthur and Thomas were chosen for their excellent work during our capacity lessons. Mrs Whittock noticed them both for working sensibly and helping other group members.

Austin was chosen for making better choices and focusing on his work.

Lexi was chosen for creating a great travel advert about Sicily. She wrote in a very persuasive way and transported us readers to the island of dreams.

Jaimee was chosen for her continuous positive attitude to her learning whilst balancing practicing for the production. She has shown excellent focus and resilience.

Well done everyone!