Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Our Shining Stars
  3. Our Shining Stars (17.11.23)

Our Shining Stars (17.11.23)

17 November 2023 (by admin)

This week our Shining Stars are; Effie, Joe, Thomas and Lexi.

Effie was chosen for recalling so many facts about Remembrance Day and some festivals we have been learning about in our Enquiry – Let’s Celebrate. Effie can make links between different festivals.

Joe was chosen for working so hard during every lesson. We have seen him put his hand up and offer interesting suggestions across each subject. It is so great to see him confident to join in.

Thomas was chosen for working extremely hard and enthusiastically in English as we have been creating our continuation of the Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore. Just as Morris drew on his imagination, Thomas has used his own to inject his own thoughts and ideas into his work.

Lexi was chosen for really getting to grips with adding and subtracting fractions. It can be tricky with lots of steps and Lexi worked methodically, resulting in 100% accuracy. Very impressive.

Well done everyone!