Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Our Shining Stars
  3. Our Shining Stars (26.01.24)

Our Shining Stars (26.01.24)

28 January 2024 (by admin)

This week our Shining Stars are; Wilder, Connie, Sophia, Jonny, Jess, Lincoln, Thomas, Luke, Lexi, Isabella, Rose, Sonny, Maya, Lucca, Noah, Caspar, Joseph, Toby, Willoughby, Ethan, Arthur, Benji, Cameron, Amelia, Henry, Sienna, Nathan, Darcey-Rose, Jacob, Evie, Hugo, Sophie, Tom, Rhea, Lola, Arty, Thomas and Rayven.

Wilder was chosen for impressing us during phonics and English lessons this week – trying to hear and write initial sounds. Wilder was able to write a CVC word all on his own. Well done Wilder, we are all so proud of you!

Connie was chosen for using possessive apostrophes. She worked hard to write some lovely sentences that also included commas in a list. Well done Connie!

Sophia was chosen for doing some amazing writing in English. We’ve been looking at persuasive features and she has managed to use them really well in her work. Not only that, she’s also been a fantastic learning partner – helping those around her with their learning, supporting them when they are stuck and cheering for them when they do well.

All of Beech Class were chosen for their artwork which has transformed the corridor and given it a bright pop of colour! Everyone has created brilliant, interesting tessellations based on the work of M. C. Escher. Some people chose to create translations, some rotations and some guide reflections. Wow! Well done on producing such fabulous final pieces.

Well done everyone.