Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

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  3. District Sports

District Sports

24 June 2024 (by admin)

 Well done to all of our fabulous athletes who took part in the District Field and Track Events last week.  You did us all proud, showing our school values of courage, friendship and respect in the way you supported each other.  A special thank you must go to Amelia B. and Poppy who ran not only their own Year 4 races but also the Year 5 races.  There were some superb individual and relay performances, all of which ended with a fantastic result for Trinity – 1st place!  We are now Small Schools District Champions for 2024 and the proud owners of the Jayne Pedley shield.

Yr 3 Team: Mia; Seb B; Harrison and Theo

Yr 4 Team: Poppy; Amelia B; Augie and Toby B

Yr 5 Team: Ethan and Sonny

Yr 6 Team: Sophie; Amelia L; Caspar and Luke

Small Schools Results             Points

1st  Trinity                                     51

2nd North Nibley                           35

3rd Hawkesbury                           33

Large Schools Results

1st  Alexander Hosea

2nd Blue Coat

3rd British