Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Our Shining Stars
  3. Our Shining Stars (05.07.24)

Our Shining Stars (05.07.24)

8 July 2024 (by admin)

This week our Shining Stars are; Ruby G, Cecily and Harry.

Ruby was chosen for working really hard in Maths and has been practicing sharing equally into two groups. She can now do this accurately and is able to say how many objects are in each group. Well done Ruby.

Cecily was chosen for her fantastic reading this week. She read her book confidently, moved up a level and is trying hard to add expression to bring characters to life. Well done Cecily!

Harry was chosen for working really hard in English. During this unit, we’ve been exploring recipes – and planning to write our own recipes for a margarita pizza. He’s done his best to ensure that his words are spelt correctly, that he’s used subordinate clauses, imperative verbs, and adverbial openings like the ones we looked at during our skills stage. Great work, Harry.

Well done everyone!