Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. People in Our Community

People in Our Community

13 February 2025 (by admin)

Visits from People in our community who help us

A huge ‘Thank You’ to all our amazing visitors who have come to Willow class to talk to the children about how they help us in the community. We have had Ruby the midwife visit, to talk about how we keep babies and Mummies safe. She brought in different sized fruits to shown how big the baby is at it grows in the tummy. Zoe and Russ the paramedics visited on Wednesday with their Ambulance! It was very exciting and really informative and they even allowed the children to see inside the ambulance. Mr Ellis visited the children on Friday from Public health and talked about germs and bacteria and Mrs Townsend came in to talk about what being a school governor involves.